Bien Nacido Vineyard

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The Bien Nacido Vineyard is one of the most legendary and iconic cool-climate winegrowing sites in the state of California. Planted in 1973 in what is now known as the Santa Maria Valley appellation of Santa Barbara County, Bien Nacido consistently produces phenomenal fruit year after year. It is known for its Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, but thanks to varied topography everything from Syrah to Nebbiolo thrives here. With over 800 acres planted to vine it is one of the largest vineyards in the state, and there are more Bien Nacido Vineyard designate wines released every year than any other vineyard in the world.

Thanks to our recent drone purchase we spent some time this weekend touring Bien Nacido by air. It is truly one of the most expansive and beautiful vineyard sites we have encountered. This shot, taken from about 1000 feet above the Santa Maria bench, shows a portion of the raw beauty contained within this estate. Recent winter rains have blanketed the hillsides with lush greenery, and we had the pleasure of enjoying the scenery as the afternoon clouds crept in. We've long enjoyed the wines from this epic vineyard and it was amazing to get to see it in its fullest capacity from the sky. Terroir gleans a whole new meaning from a bird's eye view.